Qualitative Investigation of Field Hockey Injury, Game Rules, and Protective Equipment Perception

The FIH (Fédération Internationale de Hockey) are conducting a piece of research with Loughborough University, looking into head protection in hockey to help improve the safety of our game.

The purpose of this study is to investigate experiences and perceptions of safety within field hockey; including injuries experienced, usage and perceptions of protective equipment and perceptions of the game rules intended to mitigate injury risks. The study aims to use these experiences, insights, and opinions to highlight opportunities for future development of rules, regulations, and equipment to improve safety in field hockey. The survey also gathers some demographic and hockey participation information so that your contribution can be correctly understood in context.

You will be asked to complete an anonymous online survey, which should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. You do not need to do anything before completing the survey.

Fill out the online survey using this form

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